The Case of a 10-Year-Old Male with Eye Pain
Other than these medical errors, dyspnea and advanced age were the two most common factors associated with an unscheduled return visit. What is the incidence of bouncebacks? What is the incidence of bounceback admissions? What is the inci- dence of death in patients recently discharged from the ED? What percent of bouncebacks occur because of medical errors? How can we use this information to improve patient safety? This month, we will discuss Question IV: What …
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January 2008

The Case of a 17-Year-Old Male with Fever and Headache
This month, we will discuss Question III: What is the incidence of deaths in patients recently discharged from the ED? In May 2007, Sklar et al performed a very interesting study concerning deaths that occurred within seven days of ED discharge. A similar study had been done in 1994 by Kefer et al, looking at medical examiner cases. Sklar’s study, however, is more likely to have captured all unanticipated deaths because it was performed at …
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November 2007

The Case of a 46-Year-Old Man with Neck and Upper Back Pain
This article is the second in a series that will sequentially answer the following questions: What is the incidence of bouncebacks? What is the incidence of bounceback admissions? What is the incidence of deaths in patients recently discharged from the ED? What percent of bouncebacks occur because of medical errors? How can we use this information to improve patient safety? In the September issue of JUCM, we discussed several studies which found the incidence of …
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The Case of a 33-Year-Old Male with Abdominal Pain
Over the next few installments of this series, we will be discussing “bounceback” studies, and answering the following questions, in sequence: What is the incidence of bouncebacks? What is the incidence of bounceback admissions? What is the incidence of deaths in patients recently discharged from the ED? What percent of bouncebacks occur because of medical errors? How can we use this information to improve patient safety? Our feeling is that if we can use these …
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September 2007

The Case of an 18-Year-Old Male with Hand Pain
Urgent message: A thorough history and physical exam are essential to positive outcomes and risk reduction when managing patients with hand injuries. Michael B. Weinstock, MD and Ryan Longstreth, MD, FACEP Bouncebacks, in which we recount scenarios of actual patients who were evaluated in and discharged from an emergency department or urgent care facility and then “bounced back” for further treatment, appears semi-monthly in JUCM. Case presentations on each patient, along with case-by-case risk management …
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