Update: Urgent Care Needs to Get the Mumps Message Across

Update: Urgent Care Needs to Get the Mumps Message Across

You’ve read here that mumps has been spreading like wildfire in certain states, especially on college campuses and among school-aged children. Instead of winding down, however, outbreaks are actually picking up steam in multiple states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, underscoring the need for urgent care centers to help raise awareness about prevention in their communities. The CDC says cases of mumps has been confirmed in 37 states and the District …

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Drug-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Are on the Rise

Drug-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Are on the Rise

The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on clinicians and drug makers to help fight a worldwide surge in antibiotic-resistant organisms, some of which could be just as prevalent and as dangerous as Zika and Ebola. The rate of their emergence has picked up in recent years, thanks in part to inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics. As such, the WHO has echoed the pleadings of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for clinicians …

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Ongoing Mumps Surge Speaks to Need for Broad-based Urgent Care

Ongoing Mumps Surge Speaks to Need for Broad-based Urgent Care

Coming off its highest calendar-year incidence in a decade, mumps struck 495 people in the U.S. in the first 28 days of 2017 alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The cases are spread across the entire breadth of the country, from Washington to Pennsylvania, pointing to a need for vigilance and preparedness in urgent centers in every region. First, clinics must be ready to assess patients and confirm or dismiss a …

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February is Shaping Up to Be ‘Norovirus Month’

February is Shaping Up to Be ‘Norovirus Month’

While the country is locked in its annual battle against influenza, a second “bug” is creeping up and taking its toll on schools and workplaces, as well. Like the flu, norovirus picks up steam in the winter months and is especially hard—sometimes deadly—on seniors and young children. Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts February will be the peak month for infection, which is characterized by intense gastrological symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, …

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Urgent Care Needed Most During Community Flu Outbreaks

Urgent Care Needed Most During Community Flu Outbreaks

With many states stuck in their peak flu seasons and death tolls rising—24 people have died from influenza in the state of Washington, alone—urgent care centers are being called upon to offer twofold support: First, to administer flu shots to patients who haven’t received them and provide supportive care for those who have influenza, and second, to care for patients fleeing emergency rooms that are overflowing with flu patients. Make sure area primary care office …

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Time to Turn Up the Volume on Flu Shot Promotions

Time to Turn Up the Volume on Flu Shot Promotions

With months of the flu season still ahead and the rate of new cases continuing to rise across the country, now is the time to step up efforts to immunize as many patients as possible. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that outpatient visits for flu-like symptoms are up 3.4% compared with this point in last year’s flu season. Further, more than 1,300 people were hospitalized between October and December (the month when …

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Mumps Continues to Spread in Four States

Mumps Continues to Spread in Four States

Oklahoma is the latest state to report an outbreak of mumps, joining Washington, New York, Arkansas, and Missouri in what’s become the heaviest season for confirmed cases in years. Washington, New York, and Arkansas continue to report new cases in multiple counties, while Missouri’s case load seems to have leveled off, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not surprisingly, most cases in every state are clustered around school populations, though …

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Urgent Care Data Will Contribute to Global Disease Tracking

Urgent Care Data Will Contribute to Global Disease Tracking

The evolution of electronic health records (or, more specifically, the data they house) pairs well—and not so coincidentally—with the growth of urgent care over the past decade. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sees electronic data collection as having greater application and significance than simply allowing patient histories to be readily accessible, though. The CDC is working out the optimal way to foster sharing of healthcare data across literal borders to identify—and, hopefully, …

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CDC Says Flu Vaccination Rates Are Lagging

CDC Says Flu Vaccination Rates Are Lagging

Americans who have heeded the advice of healthcare providers and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to get a flu shot are in the minority so far this season. Only 40% of patients have been immunized according to the CDC, leaving the majority at risk of both getting the flu and of passing it along to others. Many people aged 50–64 years are among those most at risk, as they’re just starting to …

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Original Research: HIV Screening in the Urgent Care Setting

Original Research: HIV Screening in the Urgent Care Setting

Urgent message: Increasingly, Americans do not know their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serostatus. Implementing rapid HIV testing can allow your center to play a key role in identifying new cases of HIV and linking patients to care. Abstract Background: Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that an increasing number of Americans do not know their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serostatus. The CDC recommends routine screening for all patients 13 to …

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