38-Year-Old With Rash After Heating Pad Use

38-Year-Old With Rash After Heating Pad Use

A 38-year-old woman presented to urgent care for rash that had developed on her trunk 2 months prior. On examination, extensive hyperpigmented, reticulated patches were seen on her back. She had no recent history of sunburn, extensive sun exposure, or history of dermatological conditions. Additional history revealed the use of a heating pad for the preceding 3 months to help manage her chronic back pain. She often rested on the electric heating pad for several …

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12-Year-Old With Facial Trauma

12-Year-Old With Facial Trauma

A 12- year-old male presents to urgent care with his mother complaining of facial pain.  The patient experienced a trip-and-fall accident at home. He landed on a carpeted floor and now complains of facial pain. View the image taken (occipitomental/Waters view) and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the following page.

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53-Year-Old With Spreading Rash

53-Year-Old With Spreading Rash

A 53-year-old man presents to urgent care concerned about a spreading rash underneath his arms for the past 3 weeks. He initially thought it was an allergic reaction to a new deodorant, but the rash persisted after stopping the deodorant. The rash is not itchy. The patient has a history of type 2 diabetes. On examination, a broad, well-demarcated, thin, scaly plaque is seen extending from the lateral chest over the axilla to the upper …

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