46-Year-Old Male With Severe, Worsening Chest Pain

46-Year-Old Male With Severe, Worsening Chest Pain

A 46-year-old man with a history of hypertension presented in an urgent care center saying he’s had chest pain for 2 days. He also said the pain has been worsening each day, and today it is severe. He denies nausea, vomiting, or shortness of breath. On exam, he appears uncomfortable but has normal vital signs. View the ECG captured above and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is …

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4-Year-Old With Right-Sided Pelvic Pain

4-Year-Old With Right-Sided Pelvic Pain

On a Friday afternoon, a worried mother brings her 4-year-old daughter to the urgent care. She says the girl is complaining that her “side hurts.” The mother can’t recall any recent falls or injuries. Review the image of the anterior to posterior (AP) pelvis taken upon presentation and consider possible diagnoses and next steps you would recommend to the family.

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A 49-Year-Old with a 4-Week-Old Lesion on Her Toe

A 49-Year-Old with a 4-Week-Old Lesion on Her Toe

A 49-year-old woman presents with a lesion that developed over her right toe over the past 4 weeks. It is painless, but has begun to bleed. On examination, a smooth, pink, friable, eroded nodule is seen on the nail bed. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page.

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A 23-Year-Old with a Pruritic, Spreading Rash

A 23-Year-Old with a Pruritic, Spreading Rash

Click Here to download the article PDF. A 23-year-old woman presents with a severely pruritic rash that developed on her leg and is spreading. The patient reports that 2 days prior to onset, she had gone hiking with her dog. She recalls going off-trail and brushing up against “woody vines and shrubs.” She denies sustaining insect bites and notes that the sun was particularly intense that day, so she wonders if this may be a …

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A 30-Year-Old Male with Chest and Leg Pain—and a History of Polysubstance Use

A 30-Year-Old Male with Chest and Leg Pain—and a History of Polysubstance Use

Click Here to download the PDF A 30-year-old male with history of polysubstance use presents after a motor vehicle collision. He reports chest and leg pain, and denies nausea, vomiting, or shortness of breath. He has no known cardiac history. View the ECG taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page.

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A 59-Year-Old with a Painful Finger Skin Lesion

A 59-Year-Old with a Painful Finger Skin Lesion

Click Here to download the article PDF A 59-year-old woman presents with a painful skin lesion near her fingernail which has developed over the past week. She reports a history of advanced non-small cell lung cancer, for which she was recently started on erlotinib. On examination you observe a glistening, hemorrhagic papule at the lateral nail fold with surrounding erythema and edema. The patient denies trauma or exposure to skin irritants. View the image taken …

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A 41-Year-Old with Knee Pain After Playing Basketball

A 41-Year-Old with Knee Pain After Playing Basketball

Click Here to download the article PDF A 41-year-old male presents with knee pain after playing basketball in his driveway with his teenage son. He reports that he had sudden pain and heard a “pop” as he landed after jumping. He is unable to fully extend his leg. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the following page.

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