Understanding Clinical Decision Rules Regarding Minor Traumatic Brain Injury

Understanding Clinical Decision Rules Regarding Minor Traumatic Brain Injury

Urgent message: Patients with minor traumatic brain injury can be difficult to assess. Identifying those at risk for poor outcomes is critically important in the urgent care setting. Joseph Toscano, MD The term traumatic brain injury (TBI) describes various injury patterns that result from force being absorbed by the brain after a rapid acceleration or deceleration or head impact. TBIs can span a spectrum from minor changes to fatal catastrophes and can affect patients in …

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Integration of Pharmacologic and Non-pharmacologic Techniques to Enhance Pediatric Minor Procedures

Integration of Pharmacologic and Non-pharmacologic Techniques to Enhance Pediatric Minor Procedures

Urgent message: Integration of various techniques when performing minor procedures on children can enhance clinical care for patients and families while bringing within reach administrative and financial goals. Emory Petrack, MD, FAAP, FACEP, Lisa S. Perry, CCLS, and Kristine Vehar, RN As the practice of urgent care medicine continues to grow, urgent care centers grapple with several important issues, among them the needs to provide optimal clinical care, reduce medical legal risk, and deliver excellence …

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CA-MRSA Abscess Care and Treatment Guidelines in Urgent Care Practice

CA-MRSA Abscess Care and Treatment Guidelines in Urgent Care Practice

Urgent message: In the absence of controlled outpatient trials, the author proposes urgent-care specific guidelines for treatment of community-acquired MRSA, informed by clinical experience and local and regional case reports. Michael Dickey, MD The goal of any treatment is to maximize the chance of a positive outcome for a patient. The purpose of a treatment guideline is to maximize the chance of positive outcomes in groups of patients that present with a similar disease states. …

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The Limping Child in the Urgent Care Center

The Limping Child in the Urgent Care Center

Urgent message: The ability to evaluate children presenting with a limp—and to recognize red flags that help distinguish those to treat from those requiring immediate referral—should be within the purview of the urgent care clinician. Raymond W. Liu, MD, Hadeel Abaza, MD, and Allison Gilmore, MD A limping child without a clear traumatic history or diagnosis is a common presentation to an urgent care center. The broad differential diagnosis can be daunting, with causes that …

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Assessment and Management of Common Hand Infections

Assessment and Management of Common Hand Infections

Urgent message: Common superficial hand infections may be managed easily by the urgent care physician. Left untreated or undertreated, however, simple hand infections may progress to disabling conditions requiring urgent sub-specialty management. Arthur R. Smolensky, MD, Samuel M. Keim, MD, MS, and Peter Rosen, MD The hand is an intricate and crucial feature of the human body. Yet, with the exception of superficial cellulitis, common hand infections require relatively simple surgical procedures—many of which can …

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