Medical Necessity in E/M Coding

DAVID STERN, MD (Practice Velocity) Q.Recently some of my charts were audited and the payor challenged the levels of the evaluation and management (E/M) codes I had used. The payor said that the charts were actually coded correctly, based on the information that was documented on the chart. The auditor, however, challenged what she called the “medical necessity” of the documentation. She claimed that, based on the patients’ chief complaints, many elements of the E/M …

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Coding for Intravenous Infusion, Fees for S9083, Morgan Lens Irrigation, and UB-04 Revenue Codes for Urgent Care

DAVID STERN, MD (Practice Velocity) Q.I had a patient come in who needed IV fluids and monitoring for five hours. We found the CPT codes 96360 (intravenous infusion, hydration; initial 31 minutes to 1 hour) and 96361 (each additional hour…) to use for the IV hydration therapy. However, my doctor cannot believe how low these codes are reimbursed by his health insurance. We did bill an office visit in addition to the IV. Is this …

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‘Destruction’ Codes, Global Periods, Working with Provider Representatives, and Denial of G0431-QW

DAVID STERN, MD (Practice Velocity) Q. Our physician did a shave excision and sent it to pathology. It came back as malignant. She now wants to bill using the destruction codes of 17260-17286. We coders are trying to tell her that she needs to bill for the shave excision, because she documented clearly that she performed shave excision. What is the correct way to bill for this procedure? Name withheld A. Per CPT Assistant 2009: …

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