36-Year-Old With Hair Loss

36-Year-Old With Hair Loss

A 36-year-old man presents to urgent care with asymptomatic hair loss that developed on multiple sites of his scalp over the previous 2 months. The hair loss developed in round patches that expanded to involve most of the back of his scalp. His past medical history is notable for hyperthyroidism. View the image above and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the following page.

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45-Year-Old With Painful Ankle Lesion

45-Year-Old With Painful Ankle Lesion

A 45-year-old woman presents to urgent care with a painful area that developed on her right ankle 2 weeks prior. The patient had a family history of venous thromboembolism. On examination, a variegated brown patch with a central pink angulated scar and an overlying thick crust on the lateral ankle was seen. There was also unilateral peripheral leg edema. On laboratory examination, anemia, thrombocytopenia and anticardiolipin antibodies were present. View the image and consider what …

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64-Year-Old With Facial Lesion

64-Year-Old With Facial Lesion

A 64-year-old man presents to urgent care with a lesion on his face for the last 2 months. On examination, a shiny, eroded, blue-black nodule was seen on his right cheek. He is a postal worker.  Histopathology examination showed aggregates of melanin and melanocytes within sheets of basaloid keratinocytes with peripheral palisading and surrounding clefts within a fibromyxoid stroma containing melanophages. View the image above and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. …

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29-Year-Old With Stinging Sensation

29-Year-Old With Stinging Sensation

A 29-year-old woman presents to urgent care for a painful rash that developed on her arm.  It started 1 day after working on a landscaping project that involved pulling weeds under intense sunlight. On examination, an edematous, pink, scaly plaque and nearby erosions are seen on her right arm. The patient appears well and has no systemic symptoms. View the image below and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the …

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21-Year-Old With Heel Lesion

21-Year-Old With Heel Lesion

A 21-year-old man presents to urgent care concerned about a painless blackish lesion that had developed on his left heel. On examination, a stippled, deeply violaceous, blackish patch with overlying scale was seen on his plantar heel. He had no history of dermatological disease but mentioned he played in a basketball tournament last week. View the image above and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on …

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Device Aims to Improve Dermatology Referrals

Device Aims to Improve Dermatology Referrals

The Food And Drug Administration recently approved a device that provides non-invasive skin cancer screening at the point of care, according to Reuters. DermaSensor, a privately held company, says its spectroscopy technology can use light and artificial intelligence to evaluate cellular and subcellular characteristics to assist clinicians in identifying the presence of skin cancer in suspicious moles or lesions. A study by the Mayo Clinic of more than 1,000 patients showed that the device had …

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