How to Prepare for and Give a Deposition

JOHN SHUFELDT, MD, JD, MBA, FACEP You are sitting at a long mahogany table in an unfamiliar, yetvery well-appointed, office wearing the same dark suit that you last wore at your cousin’s funeral. A pale, gaunt man with what looks like a small typewriter scrambles furiously to keep up with your rapid-pressured response to the question, “Doctor, for the record, please state your name and current address.” Is this a bad dream? Only if you …

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Protecting Yourself Against Medical Malpractice Claims, Part 2

In the December issue of JUCM, Dr. Shufeldt introduced a discussion on how to not be named in a malpractice suit by suggesting that providing excellent customer service, never saying “no” to a patient, and thorough documentation of the pertinent positives and negatives are viable techniques to reduce your malpractice exposure. Here, he continues the discussion with other precautions you can take. Failure to make an appropriate referral is a reason commonly cited when providers …

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Protecting Yourself Against Medical Malpractice Claims, Part 2

JOHN SHUFELDT, MD, JD, MBA, FACEP In the December issue of JUCM, Dr. Shufeldt introduced a discussion on how to not be named in a malpractice suit by suggesting that providing excellent customer service, never saying “no” to a patient, and thorough documentation of the pertinent positives and negatives are viable techniques to reduce your malpractice exposure. Here, he continues the discussion with other precautions you can take.

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Protecting Yourself Against Medical Malpractice Claims

JOHN SHUFELDT, MD, JD, MBA, FACEP We live and practice medicine in a litigious society. How, evolve into a patient whose ischemic bowel took two or three visits to correctly diagnose. For now, let’s focus on how urgent care providers can protect themselves when the odds are stacked against them. The first and most obvious answer is to not commit malpractice; more about that in a moment. The next most likely answer is for providers …

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Informed Consent and Treating Minors in Urgent Care

STATES HAVE ENACTED STATUTES, and courts have proffered an abundance of case law on the treatment of minors. There have been no reports of physicians being held liable for rendering emergent or urgent care to minors prior to obtaining parental consent. Still, informed consent issues surrounding the care and treatment of minors are often a source of confusion and are, at best, problematic. Essentially, competency to give consent is determined in the same way for …

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