A 36-Year-Old Male with Chronic, Worsening Hip Pain

A 36-Year-Old Male with Chronic, Worsening Hip Pain

The patient is a 36-year-old male who presents with left hip pain for “years.” The pain is motion- or position-related and over time there has been occasional pain in his buttock, back, and thigh.  Additionally, he has stiffness, clicking, locking, and catching.               View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page.

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Hip Pain in an 80-Year-Old Woman

Hip Pain in an 80-Year-Old Woman

Case An 80-year-old woman presents to an urgent care center with left hip pain that she has had for 4 years but that has worsened in the last week. She reports that before the pain worsened, she had gone on a long walk with her grandson. The pain is worse with movement through the range of motion. She has taken ibuprofen, but it did not reduce her pain. She says that she has not had …

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Severe Hip Pain After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Severe Hip Pain After a Motor Vehicle Accident

A 62-year-old woman presents to an urgent care center with severe left hip pain that began several hours earlier after a motor vehicle accident. She was the driver, and she was wearing a seat belt. Her car’s driver-side air bag deployed when her car, moving at about 35 miles per hour, rear-ended a stopped car. She refused to be transported from the accident scene by emergency medical services for treatment because her only issue was …

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Hip Pain in an Adult After a Fall

Hip Pain in an Adult After a Fall

A 67-year-old woman presents to an urgent care center after 12 hours of pain in her right hip that began after she slipped in her kitchen and fell onto that hip. She reports that the pain is constant and worsens with walking. She has not experienced numbness in the hip, and she reports no other injuries. She has not sustained any head trauma, and she has no head or neck pain. View the image taken …

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2-year-old boy with sudden pain in left leg

2-year-old boy with sudden pain in left leg

The patient is a boy, age 2 years 8 months, who presents with the complaint of pain in the left leg that started five hours ago. There is no history of trauma. On exam, the child looks well and has a temp of 98.96 degrees (axillary) and a pulse of 114. In addition, he has a WBC of 17.7, with 73.7 percent granulocytes. The child\’s leg has no external findings. There is clear pain on …

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3-year-old girl with sudden pain in right hip

3-year-old girl with sudden pain in right hip

The patient is a 3-year-old girl who presented to the urgent care center with right hip pain. She has no fever, and the parents report there was no trauma. The child has a limp and reproducible pain on external rotation of the right hip. White blood count is 11,900 with 40.7 lymphs. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is 3 mm/hour. The x-ray shows fluid around the right hip joint; this finding was confirmed by ultrasound. …

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