32-year old female with fever, rash and scattered vesicles

32-year old female with fever, rash and scattered vesicles

The patient is a 32-year-old female who presents complaining of a fever and a rash, along with a sore throat, headache, and fatigue. On clinical examination, you note vesicles on the palms and soles. An erosion is present at the labial mucosa. A small vesicle is present on the hard palate. The patient\’s temperature is 100.5°F. Her blood pressure and vital signs are within normal limits. View the photos and consider what your next steps …

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53-year-old woman presents with a red plaque on her calf

53-year-old woman presents with a red plaque on her calf

The patient is a 53-year-old woman who presents with a red plaque on her calf. She reports that she first noticed it two months ago. You find that the plaque is non-pruritic and asymptomatic. The patient, who is in good general health, admits no new medications and says that none of her family members have a rash or skin lesion of any kind. View the images and consider what your next steps would be.

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33-year-old male with new lesions on lips

33-year-old male with new lesions on lips

The patient is a 33-year-old homosexual male who presents complaining of new lesions on his lips. The patient reveals that he recently engaged in sexual relations with a new partner. Other than concern over the new lesions, he feels well and you find that his vital signs are normal. On examination, you find no skin lesions other than those at the mucosal aspect of the lips, where there are dozens of asymptomatic, superficial papules ranging …

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44-year-old male suffering shortness of breath

44-year-old male suffering shortness of breath

A 44-year-old black male presents to the urgent care center complaining of worsening shortness of breath. On examination, the patient exhibits a dry cough, but his lung sounds are essentially normal. The patient\’s temperature is 100.3°F, and his vital signs are within normal limits. The only remarkable finding is papules seen at the rim of his nose. View the photo taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be.

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