23-year-old woman covered in dark, blistering "bruises"

23-year-old woman covered in dark, blistering "bruises"

The patient is a 23-year-old white woman with a medical history significant for asthma as a teenager who presents with “bruising on her legs and belly.” The patient reports that the affected areas became red and started \”stinging\” approximately three weeks ago, accompanied by “some small blisters.” At the time, she attributed the symptoms to sunburn. Gradually, however, the areas evolved into darker \”bruises\” that have now been present for about two weeks. She denies …

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Patient with recurring sharp pain in left eye

Patient with recurring sharp pain in left eye

The patient is a man who presents to the urgent care center after waking in the morning with a sharp pain and a feeling of \”something grainy\” in his left eye. Upon examination, you find diffuse redness of the sclera and conjunctiva, as well as tearing. Additionally, the patient appears photophobic. You are unable to assess visual acuity because he has left his contact lenses out and does not have glasses. Fluorescein examination reveals no …

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17-year-old male with quickly spreading rash

17-year-old male with quickly spreading rash

The patient is a 17-year-old male who awoke with intensely itchy scattered vesicles over his arms, face, and legs the day after returning from a camping trip. Additionally, his right eye was edematous and nearly swollen closed. He reported that over the course of the day, the rash seemed to get worse and spread to more areas on his body. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis would be.

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36-year-old woman experiencing postnatal back pain

36-year-old woman experiencing postnatal back pain

The patient is a 36-year-old obese woman who presented with upper right back pain 10 days after a normal child birth. Pain is worse on coughing. Otherwise, she is fit and well. Upon examination, you find: No shortness of breath Normal oxygen saturation Patient is afebrile Auscultation: Reduced breathing sounds in right base, fine crackles on right View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis would be.

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53-year-old woman with limited motion and pain in knee

53-year-old woman with limited motion and pain in knee

The patient is was a 53-year-old female who experienced a fall, landing on her knee, several hours before presenting. Her knee is stable and she is able to bear weight on the affected leg, though there is mildly decreased range of motion due to generalized pain in the area. You note that the pain is not over the patella, however. There is no fluid in the knee. View the image taken and consider what your …

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