2-year-old boy with sudden pain in left leg

2-year-old boy with sudden pain in left leg

The patient is a boy, age 2 years 8 months, who presents with the complaint of pain in the left leg that started five hours ago. There is no history of trauma. On exam, the child looks well and has a temp of 98.96 degrees (axillary) and a pulse of 114. In addition, he has a WBC of 17.7, with 73.7 percent granulocytes. The child\’s leg has no external findings. There is clear pain on …

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35-year-old female catches finger in banister

35-year-old female catches finger in banister

The patient is a 35-year-old female who got her finger caught in a metal staircase banister one day prior to presentation. Physical examination is significant for right fifth PIP hyperextension and DIP hyperflexion (swan neck deformity). The patient\’s PIP flexion appears to be limited to about 20 degrees, while her contralateral PIP joint shows about 100 degrees of flexion. No sensory or motor deficits are noted. View the x-ray taken and consider what your diagnosis …

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23-year-old male complains of heel pain since slipping down steps

23-year-old male complains of heel pain since slipping down steps

The patient is a 23-year-old male who presents with a complaint of pain in the heel area after slipping down four steps. He is limping but able to bear weight. On exam, you note local tenderness and swelling over the area of the Achilles tendon. Other findings are unremarkable. View the x-ray taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be.

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82-year-old man slips and takes a blow to his shoulder

The patient is an 82-year-old man who slipped on the street, experiencing a blow to his right shoulder. He has significant local swelling in the injured shoulder (specifically, over the acromioclavicular joint), as well as significantly limited range of motion. His distal pulses are normal. View the x-ray taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be.

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7-year-old boy with persistent fever and cough

7-year-old boy with persistent fever and cough

The patient is a 7-year-old boy who presents to urgent care at midnight with a four-day history of fever and cough. Two days prior, a throat culture administered elsewhere showed nothing suspicious. The parents brought him to urgent care tonight because of subsequent increasing chest pain. On exam, you find the child is not in respiratory distress, but has decreased air entry on the left side of his chest. His temperature is 101.3 degrees F, …

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82-year-old man injured from falling to his back

82-year-old man injured from falling to his back

The patient is an 82-year-old man who presents after having fallen backwards and landing on his back. He did not lose consciousness; nor did he vomit. The patient enters the clinic using a walker, which he reports using on a regular basis. Examination reveals an abrasion over his forehead and over the anterior right tibia. The neurological exam shows no acute changes. The patient is specifically tender over the shoulder, but there is no spiny …

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