A Recipe for Medical Decision Making

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP No other specialty requires more expertise in medical decision making than urgent care medicine. We specialize in the evaluation and management of the “undifferentiated patient,” with limited access to diagnostic and consultative resources. Our scope of care is one of the broadest in medicine, requiring breadth of knowledge across disciplines. Our patients are almost entirely new to us, giving us limited clinical and personal insight into their presentations. Finally, constraints …

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Is Urgent Care “Real” Family Medicine?

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP I am acutely aware that urgent care medicine is practiced by a variety of specialties. However, family physicians make up the majority of those who practice in urgent care settings, and represent the most likely contingent of practitioners to fill the increasing demand for qualified practitioners in the future. As an organization, UCAOA has made several steps toward improving the competency of family physicians entering the field, from formal training …

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UCA in the News

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP UCA has been a busy organization of late. The announcement of an alliance with the Joint Commission is big news, indeed. We recognize that this news may not be welcomed by all, but are confident that most of your preconceptions will not be validated by the process. I think we all can agree on the goals of an urgent care accreditation  program: First and foremost, it should be “urgent care …

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Fighting the Urge to Judge

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP In a previous column, entitled “Rekindling the Doctor-Patient Relationship”, I focused on methods for developing trust with your patients. The intention of building trust is to enhance patient relationships and ensure positive patient encounters. Judgments can be a significant obstacle to that process, however. In fact, judgments are the surest way to undermine trust, and can potentially lead to delay of appropriate care or to misdiagnosis. Judgments are second only …

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Visioning for the Future of Urgent Care

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP The Urgent Care Association’s spring convention in New Orleans, April 28–May 2 culminated an incredible year for our association. The convention was attended by 660 urgent care practitioners and administrators, and represented an incredible show of strength for our industry, the discipline of urgent care medicine, and UCA. As witnessed by those of you who have attended many of our recent conventions, UCA has achieved remarkable growth in only four …

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Rekindling the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Lee A Resnick, MD, FAAFP The joy of practice is two-fold: Intellectual and Relational. The intellectual side of us thrives on the challenge of complex medical decision making and computational fact-finding. Understanding and applying pathophysiology is what we trained for, and what most of us consider to be a joyful brain exercise. However, since we do not practice medicine in a vacuum, the relational side of patient care is equally important to job satisfaction. It …

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Notes From the Field

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP I write to you from the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand, where I just participated in the first-ever international conference for urgent care. Representatives from all over the world joined to share ideas and experiences of their journeys into the development of urgent care as a discipline and an industry. This international dialogue broadens our understanding of the clinical and market forces driving this global phenomenon, and strengthens our individual …

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Strength in Numbers

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP It’s springtime again, and for us Northerners, that is a welcome sign. It’s time to end months of hibernation holed up in our overly heated homes. It’s time to break out of our winter routine of work, eat, and sleep and welcome in several months of energizing warmth and rejuvenated spirit. At UCA, we use this time of year to re-energize the membership, welcome in new members, and set the …

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A Field Guide to Evaluating Medical Literature

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Urgent care medicine is a rapidly evolving discipline. Out of this evolutionary process, scientific skepticism is naturally born. It is the checks and balances of medicine, ensuring that what is purported to be true, is in fact based on evidence, not speculation. We welcome this inquiry and support the process necessary to lend legitimacy to what has been mere estimation and speculation, thus far, in the development of our discipline. …

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Quantifying Urgent Care, Defining Our Industry

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Have you ever wondered how many urgent care centers there are in the U.S.? So did UCA. Partnering with researchers at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, UCA has completed the first-ever sampling frame of urgent care centers across the country. Our goal was to produce an objective, scientifically valid assessment of the size of the urgent care industry. Estimates have flown around the industry for years, but until now …

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