The International Face of Urgent Care

You thought you were alone on an island trying to navigate through the trials of urgent care. You thought you were the only one faced with the clinical and financial challenges. Hopefully, you have discovered the Urgent Care Association (UCA), attended one of the conferences, and shared in the delight of collaborating with colleagues who share your questions, your challenges, and your desire to make a difference one patient at a time. Hopefully, you recognize …

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Defining Urgent Care

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP In this issue of JUCM, The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine, we excerpt the landmark report, “No Appointment Needed: The Resurgence of Urgent Care Centers in the United States”. Funded by the California HealthCare Foundation, and authored by Robin M. Weinick, PhD and Renée M. Betancourt, BA, the report represents the first comprehensive look into urgent care practice and the urgent care industry. Everything from business models and staffing to …

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What About Retail Health?

There is plenty of posturing going on within organized medicine with regard to the “retail health” revolution. Concerns have been raised regarding continuity of care, the “corporatization” of medicine, kickbacks to pharmacies, and the quality of care provided by nurse practitioners and physician assistants. American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have all chimed in. Only the AAP has come out consistently opposed to the idea on …

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Lessons Learned

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Between sticky ribs and spicy BBQ sauce, I mingled with the future generation of doctors at the annual AAFP Residents and Students Conference in Kansas City. I was reminded of several very important things… I am old I didn’t just finish my residency I need to get a “MySpace” account and learn how to “IM.” In addition to my mini-mid-life crisis, my booth was dead. I was sure there would …

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It’s the Journey, Not Just ‘The Win’

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Brian Sipe’s “Red Right 88.” John Elway’s “The Drive.” Earnest Byner’s “The Fumble.” Michael Jordan’s “The Shot.” Jose Mesa’s “The Choke.” And now, the Cavs’ and “The Sweep.” You’ve just read an abridged version of the History of Cleveland Sports. For those of you who have no interest in sports, fear not; there’s an analogy in here somewhere. Growing up a Cleveland sports fan has been a roller coaster ride …

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UCA: A Vision for the Future

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP The UCA National Conference, held last month in Daytona Beach, FL, was an important milestone in the organizational evolution of UCA: The elections conducted at the meeting marked the second rotation of board seats since our founding in 2004, and the first board election of a new president. It is critical to the success of our organization to have a rotating leadership at the board and officer levels. Our bylaws …

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The Road to Recognition

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP The recent announcement that the American Board of Medical Specialties approved Hospice and Palliative Care as a new subspecialty appears to ring in a new era of subspecialty acceptance. It was once thought that subspecialties found their homes with one sponsor; Cardiology, Gastroenterology, and Pulmonology were all within the realm of Internal Medicine. Pediatrics followed suit with its own versions of these subspecialties. There was no con-joint sponsorship from multiple …

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Lessons Born of Missteps

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP This month’s issue of JUCM heralds an important addition to the journal. “Bouncebacks” will be a new regularly occurring contribution from Dr. Michael Weinstock and Dr. Ryan Longstreth. This department will take a unique approach that combines the formats of a morbidity & mortality conference, risk management lecture, and clinical review article. The result is a one-of-a-kind look at relevant clinical cases seen in the urgent care or emergency department …

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Why I Practice Urgent Care Medicine

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Nothing represents the breadth and scope of medicine quite like urgent care. The variety of complaints is daunting and requires a lifelong commitment to learning. Specialist back-up is scarce and diagnostics limited. Ultimately, the best care stems from a passion for examining the layers of each story, watching, listening, and compiling. Cultural, gender, and age biases can serve to guide our investigations  or derail them: Where is this patient coming …

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The Power of Research

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Medical progress is driven by research. Opinions must be continuously challenged in order to assure the greatest likelihood of efficacy, quality, and safety. Over the last century, research has focused on examining the innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to disease and prevention that form the backbone of clinical medicine as we know it today.

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