Q. When counting data points for the complexity of medical decision-making (CMDM) portion of the evaluation and management (E/M) visit level, what is the correct way to assign data points for an electrocardiogram? For example, the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code is 71020 for a chest radiograph with interpretation and report. The description itself has the interpretation and analysis included in the code already. Is it considered double-dipping if we count the interpretation as 1 …
Read MoreTuberculosis: Post-Exposure Testing and Management
Urgent message: Patients who present after exposure to tuberculosis test the clinician’s ability to assimilate broad and generalized information, including a unique set of historical, clinical, and laboratory data required to customize appropriate, patient-specific assessment and treatment plans. By Jacqualine Dancy, PA-C, MPAS Not long after I contributed the article Tuberculosis Screening in Urgent Care Medicine (JUCM, July/August 2010), our urgent care clinic was faced with the exposure to tuberculosis of numerous employees at a …
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December 2010

Practice Management: Keys to a Financially Healthy Urgent Care Center: Patient and Payor Mix
Urgent message: The right mix of payors and patients might make the difference between profitability and the poorhouse. Apply the basic principles to your situation, and adjust accordingly. By Stacy Calvaruso Many factors contribute to the ultimate success or failure of an urgent care center. Some are beyond your control, but there are others on which you can exert a good deal of influence — with the right approach. Two such factors that have an …
Read MoreThe Art of Conflict Management
Urgent care centers are fertile ground for angry patients. Our patients are often sick and in pain, they often have long waits to be seen, and they are frustrated by an inefficient healthcare system that has landed them in urgent care in the first place. Additionally, most of our patients are starting a new relationship with us, and they have not yet built any trust. Their prior healthcare experiences are most often lousy at best, …
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