Minor Traumatic Brain Injury: Applying the Evidence to Urgent Care
Urgent message: While few data specific to the urgent care setting exist, applying the medical evidence gleaned from other acute care settings can enable the clinician to effect positive outcomes in patients presenting with symptoms indicative of minor TBI. Joseph Toscano, MD Head trauma is among the most important problems evaluated in acute-care medicine. Estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that each year in the Unites States, approximately 1.4 million individuals …
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March 2008

Understanding Clinical Decision Rules Regarding Minor Traumatic Brain Injury
Urgent message: Patients with minor traumatic brain injury can be difficult to assess. Identifying those at risk for poor outcomes is critically important in the urgent care setting. Joseph Toscano, MD The term traumatic brain injury (TBI) describes various injury patterns that result from force being absorbed by the brain after a rapid acceleration or deceleration or head impact. TBIs can span a spectrum from minor changes to fatal catastrophes and can affect patients in …
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