Management of Patients on Low-Dose Naltrexone: A Clinical Review for Urgent Care Providers

Management of Patients on Low-Dose Naltrexone: A Clinical Review for Urgent Care Providers

Urgent message: Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is becoming more common as a treatment option for pain and thus will be increasingly prevalent in patients presenting to the urgent care setting. A thorough medication history, prioritization of non-opioid treatment options, and timely referral or transfer for severe uncontrolled pain are important considerations in the management of patients using low-dose naltrexone. Ting-Hsuan Chiang, MD; Kenneth Schmitt, BS; Ariana Nelson, MD INTRODUCTION Naltrexone is an opioid receptor antagonist approved …

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What a pain!

Pain management in urgent care is a minefield of monstrous proportions. The controlled substance prescribing landscape is body trapped indeed, and the well-meaning, unsuspecting physician stands right in the middle. The regulatory, criminal and litigious nature of this highly charged issue is not to be trifled with. Like it or not, physicians are essentially the licensees of some of the most dangerous and destructive weapons of modern medicine, and we have a clinical, legal and …

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