Pediatric Abdominal Pain: Consider Pneumonia in the Differential Diagnosis

Pediatric Abdominal Pain: Consider Pneumonia in the Differential Diagnosis

Urgent message: Abdominal pain can be a challenging complaint, especially in younger patients. Consider the full range of differential diagnosis in order to initiate prompt, effective management. Curtis Kommer MD, Latha Shankar, MD, MBA and Robert Stuart, MD Introduction Since the time of Hippocrates, the ability of physicians to unravel the mystery of a patient’s abdominal pain has become synonymous with the art and practice of medicine. Pediatric abdominal pain, in particular, with its extensive …

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Treatment of Pediatric Community-acquired Pneumonia in an Urgent Care Center

Treatment of Pediatric Community-acquired Pneumonia in an Urgent Care Center

Urgent message: Although diagnosis of pediatric community-acquired pneumonia is not always straightforward, most cases can be diagnosed adequately by non-pediatricians and treated in the urgent care center, thereby reducing hospitalization for this condition. By Deena R. Zimmerman, MD, MPH, IBCLC, Scott Fields, MD, Nahum Kovalski, BSc, MDCM Introduction Pediatric community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common illness. Estimates are that the annual incidence of pneumonia per 1,000 children in North America ranges from 30 to 45 cases …

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