Agencies Can Extend Clinical Recruiting and Staffing Capabilities

Agencies Can Extend Clinical Recruiting and Staffing Capabilities

Urgent message: Medical staffing agencies extend an urgent care center’s recruiting and staffing capabilities with solutions to fill all operating hours with qualified providers. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Practice Velocity Introduction The United States faces a shortage of primary care and emergency medicine physicians – the provider force feeding urgent care. When an urgent care center has an insufficient number of providers to adequately cover its schedule, the patient experience suffers due to extended …

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Beyond Vital Signs: Managing by Metrics for Optimal Health of Your Practice

Beyond Vital Signs: Managing by Metrics for Optimal Health of Your Practice

Urgent message: Establishing a system of metrics and ‘dashboards’ allows the urgent care operator to quantify key success factors and company values that may otherwise be impossible to measure. Laurel Stoimenoff Metric – Function: noun \’me-trik\ Def: A standard of measurement – Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. “What gets measured gets managed.” This pearl applies not only to the behemoths like General Electric, but also to a single-site urgent care center. A 2008 survey by the …

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The Case for Relationship based Clerical Care

The Case for Relationship based Clerical Care

Urgent message: Embedding a clerical component within a relationship-based care approach has been shown to improve both financial outcomes and patient satisfaction. Noel Clinton, BS Introduction When we hear the term “relationship-based care,” we tend to think first about the relationship between the clinical staff and the patient. However, a prospective program as Bassett Healthcare in Cooperstown, NY has shown that positive patient care and improved financial outcomes are also a result of developing a …

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Protecting the Urgent Care Center from Sexual Harassment Claims

Protecting the Urgent Care Center from Sexual Harassment Claims

Urgent message: Sexual harassment claims can be costly for an urgent care operator, not tomention ruinous to a center’s reputation. An urgent care center should protect itself by having firm policies and procedures in place to prevent and resolve sexual harassment issues. Alan Ayers, MA, MAcc, Experity Sexual harassment emerged as a major human resources issue in the 1990s. Victims of alleged sexual harassment – who can be men or women – sometimes find sympathetic …

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Building Urgent Care Referral Relationships Part 2: EDs, PCPs, and Specialists

Building Urgent Care Referral Relationships Part 2: EDs, PCPs, and Specialists

Urgent message: Forging solid relationships with other clinicians in emergency, primary care, or specialty settings can help facilitate two-way referrals and prove beneficial to all parties involved – including patients. The second of two parts. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Overbooked primary care officers and time-consuming (not to mention costly) trips to the emergency room leave many patients frustrated and feeling they have no place left to turn when a medical condition requires immediate attention …

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Building Urgent Care Referral Relationships: Pharmacies and Retail Host Clinics

Building Urgent Care Referral Relationships: Pharmacies and Retail Host Clinics

Urgent message: Viewing other community healthcare providers (e.g., pharmacists) or even possible competitors (e.g., retail clinics) as referral sources can increase revenues and bolster the urgent care center’s place in the healthcare system. The first of two parts. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Urgent Care has evolved to the point that it is a vital part of a community’s healthcare infrastructure, offering access when primary care appointments are unavailable and relief when emergency rooms are …

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Utilizing Social Media to Drive Visits to Your Website and Urgent Care Center

Utilizing Social Media to Drive Visits to Your Website and Urgent Care Center

In Creating a Web Presence to Raise Awareness of Urgent Care (JUCM, July/August 2009), we described how a well-designed website, optimized for retrieval by major search engines, enables highly targeted and localized promotion of an urgent care center. But establishing a web presence is just the beginning; driving “clicks” to the website and “feet” to the center is enhanced by creating “buzz” in online communities. Historically, word-of-mouth – spread in-person or by telephone – has …

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Creating a Web Presence to Raise Awareness of Urgent Care

Creating a Web Presence to Raise Awareness of Urgent Care

Urgent message: A robust – and effective – advertising campaign needs to take full advantage of all available media, with special consideration of online opportunities. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc In the past, advertising was a simple proposition; nearly everyone attached the same network television, read the same city newspapers, and searched for businesses in the Yellow Pages. But in recent years, such “mass marketing” has yielded to new marketing channels targeting the lifestyles and …

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