Roundtable: Expert Perspectives on X-Ray Over- Read Strategies in Urgent Care

Roundtable: Expert Perspectives on X-Ray Over- Read Strategies in Urgent Care

Urgent message: To ensure a high quality of patient care and reduce the risk of medical errors while also controlling administrative overhead, every urgent care center should have a clear policy and process for radiologist interpretation of x-ray images, image over-read, or both. IntroductionAs health-care costs continue to multiply, it is important to consider money-saving measures across the board. Radiography is an essential service in differentiating urgent care centers from primary care and other providers, …

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Janitorial and Maintenance Roundtable: Best Practices for Managing Environmental Services

Janitorial and Maintenance Roundtable: Best Practices for Managing Environmental Services

Urgent message: Every urgent care center must have a plan to clean and maintain its physical facility. In this JUCM-exclusive panel discussion, industry leaders share their insights on selecting an environmental services contractor, negotiating pricing, and maintaining service levels. Urgent care is often considered a blind product because patients generally lack the formal training necessary to assess the quality of the actual medical services delivered. As a result, satisfaction or dissatisfaction is determined in large …

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After Signing the Lease: Ensuring a Successful Build-Out of Your Urgent Care Center

After Signing the Lease: Ensuring a Successful Build-Out of Your Urgent Care Center

Urgent message: This exclusive interview with Brent Johnson, Vice President of Midland General Contractors, focuses on dealing with general contractors, time lines, the permit process, build-out costs, and common pitfalls when setting up a new urgent care center. Introduction “Location, location, location” has long been the success mantra of the retail and service industries. Because urgent care centers are a consumer-facing delivery channel for health care, location is also a key success determinant in that field. High traffic counts, good signage visibility, high …

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Urgent Care Solutions for Health Systems to Improve Access

Urgent Care Solutions for Health Systems to Improve Access

Urgent message: Although the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act expands health insurance coverage to millions of previously uninsured, many of the newly insured grapple with lack of access to quality, on-demand care, which leads to increased emergency department use. Urgent care provides a solution for health systems to expand access, reduce the number of unnecessary emergency department visits, and realize the goal of integrated population health management. MICHAEL F. BOYLE, MD, MBA, FACEP Introduction …

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Improving the Patient Experience by Thinking Differently About Waiting

Improving the Patient Experience by Thinking Differently About Waiting

Urgent message: Attracting and retaining urgent care patients entails more than reducing the total duration of patient waits. It also requires understanding and managing patient expectations and perceptions of waiting. MICHAEL BURKE, MBA, and GARRETT BOMBA, MD People often respond irrationally in waiting situations. How else can we explain the fact that people are routinely more satisfied with a clearly explained 30-minute wait than with an uncertain 20-minute wait? It is not rational, but it …

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Investment Trends in Urgent Care: A Mergers and Acquisitions Roundtable

Investment Trends in Urgent Care: A Mergers and Acquisitions Roundtable

Urgent message: Urgent care is a highly fragmented industry considered ripe for consolidation. A handful of high-profile deals have made 2015 the biggest year for mergers and acquisitions yet, but high valuations, oversaturated markets, changing buyer and seller expectations, and structural changes attributable to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will influence urgent care deal-making in coming years. ALEXANDER NATHANSON, MD Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the U.S. urgent care industry have historically consisted …

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Implications of Patients Recording Urgent Care Provider Encounters

Implications of Patients Recording Urgent Care Provider Encounters

Urgent message: The ubiquity of smartphones increases the risk that patients will openly or covertly record interactions with their physicians. Urgent care operators should understand the legal and privacy implications and protect themselves with appropriate policies and training. ALAN A. AYERS, MBA, MAcc Practice Velocity Smartphones with cameras and audio and video recorders that can be easily concealed in a pocket, purse, or backpack are now used by roughly 71% of Americans, including 86% of …

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