Americans Have Knowledge Gaps When It Comes to STIs

Americans Have Knowledge Gaps When It Comes to STIs

Many Americans lack information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), a new University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center survey shows. Just over half of survey respondents (54%) know that syphilis can be cured, however, 84% incorrectly believe that a vaccine is available. As many as 30% don’t know the signs and symptoms of syphilis, including sores, swollen lymph nodes, fever, etc., but 77% know that using a condom could protect them. The incorrect responses are …

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Florida Sees STIs Rise 42%

Florida Sees STIs Rise 42%

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates in Florida have surged by 42% over the past decade, surpassing levels from before the pandemic and reaching their highest point since 1990, according to Health News Florida. A leading expert in epidemiology at the University of South Florida College of Public Health attributes the rise to factors such as reduced condom use, the popularity of online dating platforms, and illicit drug use. However, it’s also possible that advancements in …

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A Review of Genital Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Infections for the Urgent Care Clinician

A Review of Genital Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Infections for the Urgent Care Clinician

Urgent Message: Mycoplasma species, most notably Mycoplasma genitalium are an increasingly recognized etiology of persistent urethral discomfort and non-gonococcal urethritis in males. These infections are commonly asymptomatic and can also have significant consequences in females. Antibiotic resistance is a common concern and treatment recommendations differ significantly from those for other sexually transmitted infections. Joseph Something, PA-C; Greg Smithers, PA-C; Ina Park, MD, MS Citation: Something J, Smithers G, Park I. A Review of Genital Mycoplasma …

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Abstracts in Urgent Care November 2021

Abstracts in Urgent Care November 2021

POCUS in Ocular Presentations Experiencing—and Handling—Patient Biases Self-Swabbing for STIs CAM Boots for Toddler’s Fracture? Treating Children with Bronchiolitis Azithromycin in COVID-19 Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Eye Examination Take-home point: Ocular ultrasound (OUS) can be a quick, safe, and effective way to assess eye complaints and complements the clinical exam. Citation: Manton J, Henry C. Benefits to utilising ultrasound in examining the eye. Emerg Med Australas. 2021;33:745–747. Relevance: As availability of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) becomes more …

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A Practice Velocity study of 63,000 patient charts presenting with one of 35 diagnoses associated with sexually transmitted infections (STI) between January 2010 and November 2016 reveals the highest incidence occurs during the late summer/early autumn. With urgent care’s typical seasonality driven by upper respiratory illness, which is most prevalent in the winter months, STI presentations actually run contra-seasonal to “typical” urgent care volume.  

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