Fever of Unknown Origin: A Case Report of Babesiosis Infection

Fever of Unknown Origin: A Case Report of Babesiosis Infection

Batsheva R. Sholomson, DO; Danielle Langan, DO; Abbas Husain, MD; Shorok Hassan, DO Urgent Message: With the incidence of babesiosis rising, clinicians are encouraged to consider the totality of presentation including risk factors based on endemic region, recent travel or tick bite, and clinical signs and symptoms. Citation: Sholomson BR, Langan D, Husain A, Hassan S. Fever of Unknown Origin: A Case Report of Babesiosis Infection. J Urgent Care Med. 2024; 18(10):17-21 Key Words: Babesiosis, …

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Get Ready for an Uptick in Tick-Related Visits

Get Ready for an Uptick in Tick-Related Visits

The weather is warm, schools are getting out, and people are venturing off into the wild for outdoor adventure—and to face the perils of tick-infested woods and fields. Visits to urgent care sparked by fear of tick-borne illnesses are sure to follow. In addition to well-known (though still relatively uncommon) diagnoses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, the newly identified Human Powassan (POW) virus can be deadly in some cases. Its symptoms are …

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