16-Year-Old With Rash After Septoplasty

16-Year-Old With Rash After Septoplasty

A 16-year-old girl presents to urgent care with complaints of fever, chills, and a diffuse sunburn-like rash that developed over the past day. The patient underwent septoplasty 2 days prior for a deviated septum, and nasal packing was utilized to manage her postoperative bleeding. On examination in urgent care, she was febrile to 104°F (40°C), tachycardic, and hypotensive. Widespread erythematous blanching macules and patches were seen.   View the image below and consider what your …

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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Urgent message: Early diagnosis is crucial in patients with this rare – but potentially fatal—condition. RACHEL CETTA, BSBE, MSBE, and JOHN SHUFELDT, MD, FACEP Overview Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a rare and potentially life-threatening condition. While the exact etiology is unclear, SJS often is associated with an adverse drug reaction to an assortment of drugs ranging from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to anticonvulsants.1 SJS involves blistering and sloughing off of necrosed skin, leaving a burn-like …

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