Nurse-Only Visits in Urgent Care: An Analysis of Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction Relative to Traditional Care

Nurse-Only Visits in Urgent Care: An Analysis of Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction Relative to Traditional Care

Urgent message: As shown in an in-house study by one urgent care operator, protocol-driven, nurse-only care of specific presenting complaints may be one way to help curb healthcare spending while not compromising on quality of care or threatening patient-satisfaction scores. Kyle Coon and Brett Whyte, MD  Abstract Basic healthcare costs are rising at a staggering and, it’s widely considered, unsustainable rate. As a result, lower-cost alternatives that maintain quality and satisfaction are being explored across …

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Update: CDC Stresses Antiviral Treatment for Flu Patients as Cases Pile Up

Update: CDC Stresses Antiviral Treatment for Flu Patients as Cases Pile Up

As Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, and New York and other states report higher incidence of flu compared with previous years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that A(H3N2) viruses are predominating this season, and has issued a summary of antiviral drug treatment recommendations. According to the agency, previous seasons in which A(H3N2) viruses were predominant were associated with more hospitalizations and deaths among older adults and young children vs other age groups. Vaccine effectiveness …

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Urgent Care Providers, Be Aware: STDs Are More Common Than Ever

Urgent Care Providers, Be Aware: STDs Are More Common Than Ever

Despite ready availability of condoms—as well as information through providers, public outreach campaigns, and the ubiquitous internet, cases of sexually transmitted disease reported in the U.S. reached an all-time high last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Combined reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis totaled more than 1.8 million in 2015, according to the CDC’s annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report. Sadly, those numbers are probably lower than the true …

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Urgent Care Evaluation of Diarrhea

Urgent Care Evaluation of Diarrhea

Urgent message: Diarrheal illness presents with varying degrees of severity and a broad range of etiologies. The urgent care center provider’s ability to gather key information from the medical history and physical examination, determine when laboratory testing is beneficial, and recognize indications for treatment is essential for the effective and efficient treatment of this common symptom. NATHAN M. FINNERTY, MD, and MICHAEL WEINSTOCK, MD Introduction Diarrheal illness is a common presenting complaint to all urgent care centers. In the United …

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Informed Consent and Treating Minors in Urgent Care

STATES HAVE ENACTED STATUTES, and courts have proffered an abundance of case law on the treatment of minors. There have been no reports of physicians being held liable for rendering emergent or urgent care to minors prior to obtaining parental consent. Still, informed consent issues surrounding the care and treatment of minors are often a source of confusion and are, at best, problematic. Essentially, competency to give consent is determined in the same way for …

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