

Every time I am able to gather in person with other Urgent Care professionals, I come away enriched and invigorated for the future of our practice. No matter the challenges that we may be facing as an industry or a specialty, there is a stubborn optimism that infuses these events and the people that participate as speakers, exhibitors, planners or attendees. These events are perfect examples of what the Urgent Care Association (UCA) stands for, …

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UCA Webinar: The Wisdom of Having an On-Site Lab

UCA Webinar: The Wisdom of Having an On-Site Lab

The decision to operate a lab on site at your urgent care center is not one to be taken lightly. While saying “yes” would lead to another layer of overhead and regulation, it could also make life easier for your patients—possibly meaning they’ll become loyal customers. Besides that, though, how much space would it occupy? How much volume would the lab need for it to be a worthwhile endeavor? CLIA specialist Milly Keeler will answer …

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Notes From the Convention

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP As I write this, the annual convention of the Urgent Care Association (UCA) is in full swing in Las Vegas. This year’s assembly is the largest gathering of urgent care professionals in the world … ever. With well over 700 attendees, the energy is palpable. The excitement surrounding the discipline and the industry has never been greater as more and more physicians, entrepreneurs, health systems and others clamor for a …

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