UCA Webinar: Don’t Just Fix Problems—Build a Culture!

UCA Webinar: Don’t Just Fix Problems—Build a Culture!

Putting out fires may be necessary from time to time, but it’s no way to build a lasting presence in the urgent care marketplace. Focus all your attention on the day-to-day problems and you’ll find that your business is blowing in the wind like so many autumn leaves. Learn how to start breaking the cycle of jumping from one problem to the next in the first live webinar the Urgent Care Association will offer in …

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UCA Webinar: Building a Team That Connects with Patients

UCA Webinar: Building a Team That Connects with Patients

You promote your urgent care operation well, hire competent clinicians, and offer a robust array of services. So, why don’t more patients return? The problem might be that they don’t feel any sense of connection to your clinic; even worse, the same could be true of your staff. If that’s the case, you might find the solution in the Urgent Care Association’s next live webinar, during which James Jiloty, PHR, MSHR, MSLD will lead a …

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CDC Pleads for Clinicians to Be Antibiotics Aware

CDC Pleads for Clinicians to Be Antibiotics Aware

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is intent on driving down inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics, and using U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week and World Antibiotic Awareness Week to unveil a new educational campaign called Be Antibiotics Aware: Smart Use, Best Care. The CDC says at least 2 million Americans become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria annually—with at least 23,000 dying as a result. With over 160 million patient visits every year, according to the Urgent Care …

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UCA Webinar: Best Practices at the Front Desk

UCA Webinar: Best Practices at the Front Desk

If you think of the front desk as nothing more than the first point of contact for patients venturing to be treated in your urgent care, you may be missing a great opportunity. It’s also the hub where patient relations, reimbursement, collections, and more meet; give it short shrift at your own risk. On the other hand, your front desk managers, administrators, and practice managers can learn more about how to maximize its value in …

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UCA Asks the Public: Are You Urgent Care Prepared for Flu Season?

UCA Asks the Public: Are You Urgent Care Prepared for Flu Season?

The Urgent Care Association has launched a public-facing campaign to get consumers to head to their local urgent care center to ward off influenza, now that the season has officially begun. In addition to stressing that the urgent care center is “the best place to receive flu vaccinations and other key winter healthcare services,” UCA’s message also focuses on herd immunity—the notion that higher immunization rates will result in lower incidence of illness across the …

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UCA Webinar: Stay in Good Stead with the DEA on Opioids

UCA Webinar: Stay in Good Stead with the DEA on Opioids

Efforts to stem runaway abuse of opioids—and the resultant increases in addiction and deaths—are firing on all cylinders from the White House to the state house. On a more local level, failing to get on board with current regulations can land you in hot water with the DEA. The Urgent Care Association has asked Ronald Chapman, II, an attorney well versed on the subject, to provide a brief primer on DEA compliance with topics that …

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UCA Files Comments on Medicare QPP

UCA Files Comments on Medicare QPP

The Urgent Care Association vowed to represent the industry’s interests when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rule implementing the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) last October. In effect, CMS imposed guidelines for clinicians participating in Medicare’s Quality Payment Program (QPP), and defined two possible pathways: the Merit-Based Payment Incentive Program (MIPS) or the Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs). UCA made good on its promise this week by …

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UCA Takes to Capitol Hill

UCA Takes to Capitol Hill

A contingent from the Urgent Care Association (UCA) descended on Congressional offices to school lawmakers and their staffs on the important role urgent care plays in the healthcare continuum. Coinciding with the UCA Urgent Care Convention & Expo at nearby National Harbor, the visit put 15 UCA representatives face-to-face with 75 congressional staffers, including those who work on committees with jurisdiction over Medicaid and veteran’s healthcare. In addition to giving lawmakers a better idea of …

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Midwest Urgent Care Leaders Head to Michigan to Drive Change!

Midwest Urgent Care Leaders Head to Michigan to Drive Change!

The Urgent Care Association of Michigan, working with the Urgent Care Association and the College of Urgent Care Medicine, is laying the groundwork for its regional conference, scheduled to take place July 17 and 18 at The Henry Hotel in Dearborn, MI. Built around the theme of Drive Change!, the conference will feature 30 sessions broken into four tracks (Midwest Clinician, UC Management, Clinical Support & Super MA, and Hands-on Lab). Content is designed for …

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UCA Campaign Garners ‘Best of the Year’ Honors

UCA Campaign Garners ‘Best of the Year’ Honors

If you noticed a lot of stories in the local newspaper and TV news reports trying to spell out the difference between the emergency room and urgent care—and when one should go to one or the other—in the last year, thank the Urgent Care Association. Or, better yet, congratulation them on winning awards for their Urgency or Emergency? campaign. The campaign, led by the PR firm of L.C. Williams & Associates, won “best of the …

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