UCA Webinar: Market Urgent Care and Occ Med Services the Right (ie, Profitable) Way

UCA Webinar: Market Urgent Care and Occ Med Services the Right (ie, Profitable) Way

Urgent care and occupational medicine seem to go together naturally—small wonder, then, that 91% of urgent care centers offer some form of occupational medicine services, according to a mini survey from the Urgent Care Association. It’s profitable, too; of the centers that do have occ med, over half said it accounts for up to 15% of their business. Part of that success lies in offering quality services at a reasonable price, but you still have …

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Pamela Sullivan Takes Office as President of UCA Board of Directors

Pamela Sullivan Takes Office as President of UCA Board of Directors

Pamela Sullivan, MD, MBA, FACP, PT was officially introduced as the newly elected president of the Urgent Care Association’s Board of Directors during the 2017 Urgent Care Convention & Expo, held this week in National Harbor, MD. Sullivan takes over from Steve Sellars, MBA, who served as president for the 2016–2017 term. In accepting the position, she stressed the necessity to help patients understand “their evolving healthcare options, while innovating new business models and processes …

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UCA Suggests Initiatives for Urgent Care Awareness Month in May

UCA Suggests Initiatives for Urgent Care Awareness Month in May

Having declared May to be Urgent Care Awareness Month, the Urgent Care Association has some ideas you can implement to highlight the value your urgent care center brings to the community. Benchmark Urgent & Family Care in Austin, TX, for one, is inviting its neighbors to come in for free blood pressure and blood sugar checks—a low-cost assessment for the operator that could have a high return once patients who’ve never visited before see the …

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UCA Webinar: Protect Your Patients—and Your Business—from Data Breaches

UCA Webinar: Protect Your Patients—and Your Business—from Data Breaches

As we told you here, a study by Accenture found that a quarter of all healthcare consumers have fallen prey to data breaches—with half of them going on to become victims of medical identity theft. While hospitals were the most common source, other settings (including urgent care) were not immune. The Urgent Care Association (UCA) will offer tips to help you avoid such dangers in a live webinar, The Changing Landscape of Cyber Security, Thursday, …

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My Patient Wants to Ruin My Reputation—Now How Do I Fix It?

My Patient Wants to Ruin My Reputation—Now How Do I Fix It?

Urgent message: When a patient says, ‘I had a bad experience,’ you should hear, ‘I know how you can improve your service.’ Adopt that mindset and you’ll start to welcome even negative feedback—and learn to use it to your advantage. Did you know there are some urgent care centers who live to get patient complaints? Before we delve into why you should adopt a similar mindset, let’s look at why an urgent care exists. In …

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UCA Asks Price to Delay New EHR Requirements

UCA Asks Price to Delay New EHR Requirements

The Urgent Care Association (UCA) has petitioned Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price, MD to delay implementation of Stage 3 of the Meaningful Use program, as well as “Stage 3-like” measures in the MIPS program, indefinitely. UCA joined with 15 other organizations in crafting a letter that also requested that eligible clinicians not be required to move to EHR technology certified to the 2015 edition. Release of proposed requirements for MIPS and APMs …

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More Insurers Are Requiring Urgent Care Center Accreditation

More Insurers Are Requiring Urgent Care Center Accreditation

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield in New York are the latest insurers to require that urgent care centers become accredited before contracting, or as a requirement to maintain in-network status. As noted in a recent posting by Becker’s Hospital Review, such policies highlight growing demand for healthcare providers in all settings to demonstrate both value and quality care—both of which have long been touted as attributes of well-run …

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UCA Webinar: ‘Pay Me Now’ and ‘Pay Me Later’ Can Be Good for You and Patients

UCA Webinar: ‘Pay Me Now’ and ‘Pay Me Later’ Can Be Good for You and Patients

Membership-based payment models might offer the best of both worlds for urgent care operators and patients. The way Valley Immediate Care in southern Oregon structured its version, patients paying a small monthly fee get discounts—50%—on most services needed at the time of a visit. My Urgent Care 365 has enticed new patients to visit the clinic, helping to increase revenue in the process. Valley Immediate Care CEO Brent Kell will share some insights into how …

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UCA Readies for U.S. Health Reform with New Principles

UCA Readies for U.S. Health Reform with New Principles

As President Trump and members of both houses of Congress work to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”), the Urgent Care Association (UCA) has revealed several health reform principles it will use to evaluate emerging legislative alternatives to the ACA. UCA says it will support policies that recognize urgent care should be treated as an essential health insurance benefit and included as an important element of value-based care, as well as those that …

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UCA: More Urgent Care Centers Are Seeing More Patients in Less Time

UCA: More Urgent Care Centers Are Seeing More Patients in Less Time

The Urgent Care Association’s annual Benchmarking Report reveals these are boom times for the urgent care industry. The number of centers in the U.S. is up 10% from the previous year (to 7,357); 96% of urgent care centers saw more patients in 2015 than in 2014; and 92% of centers kept wait times to ≤30 minutes. Best of all, nine out of 10 centers expect continued growth, with many also saying they’re extending the services …

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