UCA Webinars: Preparing for the New Medicare Quality Payment Program

UCA Webinars: Preparing for the New Medicare Quality Payment Program

Ensuring payers send you every penny you earned can seem like a daunting challenge, especially with new rules—or entire systems—coming out every year. To help you start the new year on the right track, the Urgent Care Association is hosting two webinars on January 11 and 18 to discuss the new Medicare Quality Payment Program. Each one-hour webinar is designed for physicians, physician assistants, nurses/nurse practitioners, coders/billers, and IT staff. The presenter will be Camille …

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Better Understanding of Urgent Care Will Propel Growth in 2017

Better Understanding of Urgent Care Will Propel Growth in 2017

Industry executives predict that as more patients come to understand the level and breadth of service available at urgent care centers, along with the cost and efficiency benefits, they’ll flock to centers in even greater numbers than they have in recent years. For example, the Urgent Care Association estimates that the average cost of a trip to an urgent care facility is $155, comparing favorably with the cost of an average trip to the emergency …

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UCA Webinar: Tips on Employee Discipline and Termination

UCA Webinar: Tips on Employee Discipline and Termination

Conversations involving discipline—or, especially, termination—are uncomfortable for all parties involved. If you’re a manager or supervisor, though, rest assured they’re in your future (if they’re not already in your past). However, responding to poor performance or misconduct the right way can leave you feeling empowered and confident that you’re doing what you can to protect your workplace as well as other employees. Vance Daniels, senior human resources advisor for G&A Partners, will offer advice on …

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What’s Next for the Affordable Care Act?

What’s Next for the Affordable Care Act?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA, or “Obamacare”) has given millions of citizens access to healthcare they didn’t have before, driving up volume in some urgent care centers and emergency rooms. It’s also put sometimes unbearable pressure on insurers to find a way to stay profitable in the state-run exchanges; most that originally participated have bowed out because they were losing too much money, in fact. With the election of Donald Trump as our next president, …

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Urgent Care Webinar Explores How to Engage Employees

Urgent Care Webinar Explores How to Engage Employees

Over half of workers in the United States are “not engaged” in their jobs, and another 17% are “actively disengaged,” according to a Gallup poll. In other words, only about three in every 10 employees are really on point at any given time in a workplace—including, possibly, your urgent care center. The data also show, however, that organizations that make an effort to foster employee engagement have happier, more satisfied employees. And it’s not because …

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Urgent Care Pushes CMS to Adopt Patient Copays Instead of Coinsurance

Urgent Care Pushes CMS to Adopt Patient Copays Instead of Coinsurance

The Urgent Care Association (UCA) sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in favor of lowering the copay patients would be responsible for when visiting an urgent care visit, effective in 2018. The changes would affect the cost-sharing structure for “standardized options” (ie, Simple Choice plans) that plan issuers offer in the individual insurance marketplace. Standardized options are intended to simplify the consumer plan selection process; each has a single …

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Free Urgent Care Webinar: Prepare for Patients Presenting with CAP

Free Urgent Care Webinar: Prepare for Patients Presenting with CAP

Patients may have contracted pneumonia in another healthcare setting, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be walking through your door when symptoms hit them hard and fast. Worse, antibiotic resistance is a real threat in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP); in fact, recent studies have shown that resistance has more than doubled admissions to the ICU and increased complications by 51%. Are you prepared to identify CAP in your urgent care center—and to treat patients early so …

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UCA Partners Up in Fighting Antibiotic Resistance

UCA Partners Up in Fighting Antibiotic Resistance

The Urgent Care Association (UCA) is partnering with George Washington University’s Antibiotic Resistance Action Center on an initiative to put the brakes on runaway antibiotic resistance. The goal of the 3-year plan is to develop and implement evidence-based practices aimed at preserving the effectiveness of the antibiotics we have available today, namely by promoting responsible use of antibiotics. The fact that urgent care centers see some 160 million patients annually make it the perfect setting …

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Urgent Care’s Voice is Heard on Medicare Coding Changes

Urgent Care’s Voice is Heard on Medicare Coding Changes

The Urgent Care Association (UCA) has officially filed comments with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), supporting a proposal to modify the “24/7” access requirements for providers who plan to bill Medicare for Chronic Care Management (CCM) codes. According to UCA, the new language will allow primary care providers “to more easily meet the CCM billing requirements if they contract with urgent care centers for their patient’s acute care needs, including evenings and …

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UCA Commits to Antibiotic Stewardship

UCA Commits to Antibiotic Stewardship

The Urgent Care Association (UCA) has outlined a framework by which it plans to guide urgent care centers to reduce inappropriate outpatient antibiotic, with an ultimate goal to curb the growing threat of antibiotic resistance. UCA’s statement notes that with urgent care clinicians treating some 160 million patients annually—many of whom think they may need an antibiotic—this setting is in a strong position to effect positive change. “UCA recognizes the vitally important role our clinicians …

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