UCA Webinar: The Wisdom of Having an On-Site Lab

UCA Webinar: The Wisdom of Having an On-Site Lab

The decision to operate a lab on site at your urgent care center is not one to be taken lightly. While saying “yes” would lead to another layer of overhead and regulation, it could also make life easier for your patients—possibly meaning they’ll become loyal customers. Besides that, though, how much space would it occupy? How much volume would the lab need for it to be a worthwhile endeavor? CLIA specialist Milly Keeler will answer …

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UCA Webinar Assesses Financial Tools

UCA Webinar Assesses Financial Tools

If improving your urgent care center’s financial management is one of your New Year resolutions, consider signing up for Financial Forecasting: Learn How to Use Key Financial Tools, a live webinar to be hosted by the Urgent Care Association (UCA) on Thursday, December 17 at 1 pm, Central. Speaker Luke Hart, a former urgent care CEO, will discuss tools to help increase cash flow, better assess your debts and risks, and leverage strong relationships with …

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UCA Webinar Looks at Holistic Management Approach

UCA Webinar Looks at Holistic Management Approach

Luke Hart will share a “holistic perspective” on thriving in the urgent care marketplace during a live webinar hosted by the Urgent Care Association (UCA) Thursday, November 19 at 1 pm, Central. In Getting Out of Your Own Way—Learn to Manage and Lead Effectively, the former urgent care CEO will focus on implementable tools to help participants define and reshape operational structures, optimize staff communications, and devise a positive work environment. The cost is $50 …

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Notes From the Convention

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP As I write this, the annual convention of the Urgent Care Association (UCA) is in full swing in Las Vegas. This year’s assembly is the largest gathering of urgent care professionals in the world … ever. With well over 700 attendees, the energy is palpable. The excitement surrounding the discipline and the industry has never been greater as more and more physicians, entrepreneurs, health systems and others clamor for a …

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Addressing the Data Drought

Urgent message: The second UCA Benchmarking Survey takes one small step toward filling the information gap in urgent care medicine. Introduction: Although the practice of urgent care medicine is not a new phenomenon, there is a significant absence of reliable information about the industry. One first step toward filling that void was initiated last year when the Urgent Care Association’s Benchmarking Committee released the results of its first-ever benchmarking survey of UCA members and others …

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