In Bouncebacks, we provide the documentation of an actual patient encounter, discuss patient safety and risk-management principles, and then reveal the patient’s bounceback diagnosis. This case is from the book Bouncebacks!, available at and History of Present Illness John is a healthy 18-month-old boy. One morning shortly after Christmas, he awoke with cough and congestion. After breakfast, he had an episode of vomiting. Though his symptoms remained mild over the next 3 days, …
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Tis the Season for Norovirus Out West
As public health officials in California warn of a jump in reported cases of norovirus—also known as winter vomiting disease—across the state, a preholiday gathering in Seattle illustrates the speed with which the virus can wreak havoc in tightly packed events. The California Department of Public Health has confirmed 32 outbreaks that sickened hundreds between October and the end of 2015. Meanwhile, more than 200 people came down with symptoms of norovirus, which include abdominal …
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