Leverage Local Media to Remind Patients That You’re There for them

Leverage Local Media to Remind Patients That You’re There for them

Georgia Urgent Care in Milton, VT just restored their capability to offer x-rays and bone-density imaging. A new nurse practitioner is taking the next step in her career by joining the team at Sanford Health in Bemidji, MN. And Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital’s El Dorado Urgent Care center is now going to be seeing patients on the hospital campus. We know this because articles alerting the public to these events appeared in the St. …

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Follow-Up: Will Closing the Window on COVID Emergency Declarations Undo Progress in the Opioid Crisis?

Follow-Up: Will Closing the Window on COVID Emergency Declarations Undo Progress in the Opioid Crisis?

As regular JUCM News readers know, the May 11 expiration of federal, pandemic-related emergency declarations will have broad implications for urgent care (and the healthcare industry in general). One that we haven’t touched on is the impact on telehealth. As COVID-19 limited the ability for patients to visit brick-and-mortar practices, standards on remote prescribing were relaxed so more providers in more widespread locations could prescribe for patients they didn’t examine in person. An opinion piece …

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Be Aware: ‘Big Tech’ Could Be Mining Your Systems for Sensitive Patient Information

Be Aware: ‘Big Tech’ Could Be Mining Your Systems for Sensitive Patient Information

A class action lawsuit filed by a John Doe plaintiff alleges that Meta, parent company of Facebook, has been peeking into the records of at least 644 hospital systems or “medical provider web properties.” As reported in Healthcare Dive, the suit comes on the heels of an investigative report by The Markup and Stat News that revealed specific instances in which Meta’s Pixel tracking tool dug up highly sensitive patient information that winds up in …

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There’s No Crying in Urgent Care! (But If There Is, Can You Really Bill for It?)

There’s No Crying in Urgent Care! (But If There Is, Can You Really Bill for It?)

It’s become common for patient complaints to make the rounds on social media. Occasionally, more outrageous or colorful claims go viral. Few capture the attention of major market media, though if you paged through the May 18, 2022 edition of the New York Post you would have been hard pressed to miss the headline screaming Shocked patient charged $40 ‘for crying’ during doctor’s appointment. The article stemmed from social media posts recounting a medical visit …

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That Next Febrile Infant Could Be Perfectly Fine—or Not. New Guidelines May Help You Get It Right

That Next Febrile Infant Could Be Perfectly Fine—or Not. New Guidelines May Help You Get It Right

A couple you’ve never encountered before come in with their 10-week-old baby. They’re first-time parents who are very nervous because their pride and joy has a fever of 102 and their pediatrician’s office is closed. The child appears to be fine otherwise to you, but now you’re nervous about attributing the fever to an unnamed, run-of-the-mill virus or dismissing it as just one of those things infants experience. New guidelines from the American Academy of …

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Will Post-Pandemic Blues Drive Growth in Behavioral Health Urgent Care?

Will Post-Pandemic Blues Drive Growth in Behavioral Health Urgent Care?

As JUCM News readers know (and as you may have experienced), the COVID-19 pandemic drove up patients presenting with symptoms of depression and anxiety. It should come as no surprise, then, that behavioral health urgent care facilities have been popping up with greater frequency recently. Just this week, media outlets in Arizona, New Jersey, and South Dakota carried news of the openings of walk-in mental health centers. That’s certain to be welcome news in the …

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Take Note: New Data Reveal Who Is Most Likely to Write Too Many Antibiotic Scripts

Take Note: New Data Reveal Who Is Most Likely to Write Too Many Antibiotic Scripts

There has been a concentrated effort over the past few years to raise awareness of overprescribing of antibiotics. As you know, it’s not just a matter of spending unnecessarily on drugs that aren’t called for, but also a risk to public health due to growing antibiotic resistance. And yet, every year new data seem to emerge indicating that this problem is just not going away. Now a study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report …

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An Urgent Care Approach to Fishhook Removal

An Urgent Care Approach to Fishhook Removal

It has been brought to our attention that the publication titled “An Urgent Care Approach to Fishhook Removal” originally published in June 2021 digital edition of The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine on June 1, 2021 (“Publication”), contains several changes made during the editing process performed by JUCM which the authors took issue with and subsequently demanded the Publication be retracted. Accordingly, at the request of the authors, Anthony G. Stanley, MD and Jorge Murillo, …

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The Implementation of Nurse-Intiated Ankle and Foot X-rays in an Urgent Care Setting

The Implementation of Nurse-Intiated Ankle and Foot X-rays in an Urgent Care Setting

Urgent message: Nurse-initiated protocols (NIPs) have been found to be beneficial in emergency department settings. Nurse-initiated x-rays for ankle and foot injuries can reduce patients’ length of stay while improving staff satisfaction. Utilization of NIPs in an urgent care setting can bring positive benefits to patients, staff, and the organization. Allison Usset Gilles, DNP, FNP-C, RN; Der Xiong, DNP, FNP-C, RN; and Jenny A. Prochnow, DNP, MBA, RN INTRODUCTION Background Overcrowding and long wait times …

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